Menú Cerrar

Management of recurrent schwannoma of the cauda equina: A case report


Background: Schwannomas of the cauda equina are rare intradural primary spinal tumors. Many of thesepatients initially present with cauda equina syndromes, and only 2.2% demonstrate clinical recurrence. Grosstotal excision is the procedure of choice.

Case Description: A 62-year-old female had undergone resection of a cauda equina schwannoma 5 yearspreviously. She newly presented with cauda equina symptoms attributed to a recurrent schwannoma. Followinggross total secondary tumor resection, the patient’s preoperative deficits fully resolved, and the tumor neverrecurred.

Conclusion: Secondary gross total excision of schwannomas of the cauda equina is critical to avoid further tumorrecurrence.

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