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Multiple Intracranial Meningiomas in the absence of Neurofibromatosis. Case report and literature review

Multiple meningiomas (MM) are defined as the appearance of at least two spatially separated meningiomas that occur at the same time, or more than two meningiomas that grow sequentially from two different regions, not necessarily of the same histologic subtype, without the presence neurofibromatosis. MMs, first described in 1889, but only after the work from Cushing and Eisenhardt in 1938, the term meningioma was recognized, as well as the meaning of MM or Meningiomatosis. It is a rare pathology, generally benign, and with a varied clinical presentation depending on the location of the meningioma. Currently, there is no clear pathophysiological description of the disease. However, alterations have been described at the cellular level that promotes clonal spread in the meninges. Its approach must be carried out in a multidisciplinary way, ruling out mainly genetic alterations.
Additionally, it is necessary to assess the clinical status and imaging findings from the patient in great detail to determine the need for surgical management. Below is the case of a 48-year-old female patient treated at the University Hospital Mayor, with a history of meningioma resection ten years ago in the pontocerebellar angle and a recent meningioma resection, two years ago, in the frontal region. The patient was tested negative for neurofibromatosis.

Rev. Chil. Neurocirugía 45: 264-268, 2019

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